23 Agu 2011

By The Flash of Time

I see the clock is ticking.

It ticks not because it has a battery that pushes it forward. Nor because we have set it to. It ticks because it wants to go by the flash of time.

We might remember who ourselves was last year. Or we might remember who ourselves was 10 years ago. All of the differences we made, from second to second, from hour to hour, from day to day, from month to month, from year to year, fro decade to decade, from century to century, all of it, is going by the flash of time.

The answer to the question "Who Am I?" might be revolving each time. Maybe we will answer "A Billionaire", 20 years after we answer "A Homeless". We also may answer "A President" after 5 years we always answer the question with "A Mayor". Or we might answer "A Spouse" after 30 years we kept saying "A Single". Or also we might answer, "A Serial killer", after we filled up 15 years with the answer, "A Desperate". And, "A Political Prisoner, waiting for death execution" for the one who kept answering "A Dictator" for 20 years.

These answer, however, revolve and change in the flash of time. You might defend one answer for years, but you can't guarantee there's nothing in the world is going to go against your will. The offenders, beware, because they possibly will do anything to cross and stab your defense line.

We might have a new page in our life's storybook every day. We cannot peek to the next page, it's the best kept secret. The story is revolving, with new conflicts, and new climaxes. Some of them were really really unpredictable. You can't guarantee that the story is going in a good way. But that's what the story are for. We have pages to go everyday in our life, we have so much chances to change the plot to go in a good way.

Sometimes, it just go in a climax we never hopped into. We were shocked with the truth, and the plot explodes unexpectedly. The plot just go wild, and it its turning to become a challenge for us. The climax is the point where you are fighting to defend your dreams, to defend the story you want to make, to defend the ending you want to choose.

But every story has it's own main line. This main line is called destiny. Destiny are powerful plot director, some of them are very powerful so we can't change them. Only by the will of The Only One, He who puts destiny to our story, will make the powerful ones to change. But, destiny is only a line. A line that will exist, not gonna destroyed or removed. But, we can bend this line. We have chances to change the way the line is going to. The line, except the powerful ones, was made to bend. We have the authority to control the line direction. All, by our action.

We have a page today. We have pages in the past. We have pages waiting to be opened in the future. Past, is for us to learn, to evaluate. Future is there, for us to determine what we will be. The bridge between these chapters is, today. If we seems to made a failure today, we possibly still have tomorrow to fix it.

I am writing this to remind, and to remind myself. We should take control of our story, we should drive the plot to the way we want them to go.

Our actions, they are a powerful steer to drive the plot. The steer to control what should we do to solve the climax. Drive those emotions, conflicts, and go for the ending we wanted to have. By the help and the will of The Only One, we will reach the ending that we want. Do something right, do something to drive you into a happy ending. Why wait? Let's do it now.

15 Agu 2011


Jantung udah deg-degan gak karuan. Mendadak perut jadi mules. Badan lemes. Berbagai rancangan skenario tiba-tiba dirusak oleh belasan kemungkinan kejutan diluar perkiraan atau semacamnya. Rasanya jiwa seperti habis digocang-goncang, dikocok-kocok, diputar-putar. Kaki kayak nginjek daerah gempa puluhan skala richter.

Inilah momen-momen menjelang nekad. Saat-saat yang sepertinya adalah salah satu saat-saat terburuk yang pernah ada dalam rentang waktu hidup manusia. Terasa seperti gila memang.

Tapi yang namanya nekad itu adalah sesuatu yang penting, vital dan bisa dibilang juga sangat menentukan.

Dalam rentang kehidupan, ada sebuah kejadian yang menghubungkan titik A ke titik B. Kejadian jembatan inilah yang kita bilang nekad. Lalu level perpindahan A ke B ini juga berbeda-beda. Bisa aja penting, bisa aja sepele, bahkan bisa aja ngerugiin.

Jembatan ini dapat berupa apa saja, mulai dari ngajuin proposal acara konser berbudget 5 milyar ke kepala sekolah, ajak kenalan artis dari negeri Iran yang lagi kunjungan kerja (maen di film lokal maksudnya hehehe) , ngobrol ama master skateboard yang dateng dari brazil, nantangin adu penalti CR yang ketangkep liburan diam-diam ke Jakarta, sampai masalah klasik, nembak cewek.

Yah yang gue sebutin di atas memang kesannya kurang penting sih hehehe, TAPI sebetulnya ada level kedua setelah kepentingan. Yaitu, level ketegangan.

Level ini yang justru paling menantang jiwa dan raga, karena ini adalah level yang harus dilewati kalau mau sampai di titik B.

Inilah dimana kita akan diterpa dan dihantam oleh berbagai kondisi pra-nekad yang terasa gila.

Tapi sekali lagi, ini adalah hal yang vital. Nekad adalah sesuatu yang kalau gak dilakukan, ya kita gak sampai di titik B. Nekad harus dilakukan kalau mau sampai di titik B. Mau ada apapun yang bakal menghantam, kita HARUS menghadapinya. Kalau mundur, maka titik B tetaplah diseberang. Belum tercapai.

Segala macam kegilaan dan guncangan bakalan hilang setelah selesai dilakukan. Selesai nekad, hati kita biasanya akan plong. Sebaiknya sih gak usah mengkhawatirkan hasil akhirnya terlalu banyak.

Sekian sedikit sharing dari gue,

Cya later!